!! On Pre-Sale NOW !!
A new revolutionary way to live your life in sexy soul expansion, lit up, confident, fierce and walking the world as the multidimensional galactic gorgeous soul that you are, in love with your truest self.
Vibrant, alive, sexy, fierce, unapologetic, magical, extraordinary, next level quantum life YOU is about to be re-birthed on this planet in a whole new frequency on a whole new wave and in high voltage synch with the cosmic planetary cycles!
It feels tingly and alive and turned on to even start writing this. I am so charged up to finally bring you this course!!
This course is birthing from the depths of the self-transformation, self development and quantum healing I have implemented and lived through in the past 17 years in my personal life.
It has all added up in the most extraordinary ways:
I never felt like I belonged on this planet until I discovered myself on my deeper layers, the Galactic Soul black sheep rebel and defiant being that wants to break through this reality, span through all the layers of the cosmos, work with the Galactic Fam & Councils of Light, discover all the secrets of the Universe and fractal life and the Multi-verse and reunite myself through time and space and planes of existence and teach all the things I know and change the world like the Ninja Lightworker I am …. all while wearing fabulous sparkly dresses & crystal crowns, or sweats and hair in a bun or honestly whatever the F*ck my soul wants to express through on that day! experiencing life in great abundance and joy and feel Sexy AF in this lifetime, present on this planet and holding my expressed, expanded self in the physical plane.
You know….. TURNED ON.
Like Soul Deep, Skin tingly, heart expansion, blood flowing, flushed with excitement kind of turned on.
Can you feel it?? Can you imagine it? Would you want to experience it in a way that is easy to integrate and sustain in the physical plane?
This is not a momentary turn on kinda course… you know, like its NOT a one night stand course ;)
Let’s just set intentions straight from the start. ;)
This is the deepest kind of relationship you could form with your own self, and a lasting one.
So I’ll tell you one more thing before I dive into the course deets:
Often when I go through a hard personal time of life (think heartbreak/ breakup, health challenge, fam things, money things) people ask me how I move through life like I do, in my truth, holding my power, grace & confidence -- and shift into my next level in quantum time like “how did she do that??”
You may know this but like my recent broken engagement and the heartbreak that followed, the physical stress, the moving, the family drama, the life change etc etc, that everyone around me expected to take for-ever to heal, oh so devastating, so sorry so sad kind of comments came from…. everywhere.
Uhm no thank you.
I have a depth of quantum healing knowledge and self development skills that support me in moving through life in a way that most people haven’t known or discovered quite yet.
One could say it is knowledge and skills that "afford me the luxury of true quantum healing”.
—even though more then luxury this is simply our BIRTHRIGHT. we just get to do the work to claim it in the physical plane. We haven’t been taught these things, we get to work our way through to this knowledge as it is only now becoming available at the edge of Ascension -- and it is SO worth being able to do this work because it is truly miraculous. And it allows you and me to live the kind of life we want to live on this planet.
A happy, healthy, wealthy in love with life TURNED ON kind of Life!
YAS!!! Let’s get to this incredible new course experience!
It feels tingly and alive and turned on to even start writing this. I am so charged up to finally bring you this course!!
This course is birthing from the depths of the self-transformation, self development and quantum healing I have implemented and lived through in the past 17 years in my personal life.
It has all added up in the most extraordinary ways:
I never felt like I belonged on this planet until I discovered myself on my deeper layers, the Galactic Soul black sheep rebel and defiant being that wants to break through this reality, span through all the layers of the cosmos, work with the Galactic Fam & Councils of Light, discover all the secrets of the Universe and fractal life and the Multi-verse and reunite myself through time and space and planes of existence and teach all the things I know and change the world like the Ninja Lightworker I am …. all while wearing fabulous sparkly dresses & crystal crowns, or sweats and hair in a bun or honestly whatever the F*ck my soul wants to express through on that day! experiencing life in great abundance and joy and feel Sexy AF in this lifetime, present on this planet and holding my expressed, expanded self in the physical plane.
You know….. TURNED ON.
Like Soul Deep, Skin tingly, heart expansion, blood flowing, flushed with excitement kind of turned on.
Can you feel it?? Can you imagine it? Would you want to experience it in a way that is easy to integrate and sustain in the physical plane?
This is not a momentary turn on kinda course… you know, like its NOT a one night stand course ;)
Let’s just set intentions straight from the start. ;)
This is the deepest kind of relationship you could form with your own self, and a lasting one.
So I’ll tell you one more thing before I dive into the course deets:
Often when I go through a hard personal time of life (think heartbreak/ breakup, health challenge, fam things, money things) people ask me how I move through life like I do, in my truth, holding my power, grace & confidence -- and shift into my next level in quantum time like “how did she do that??”
You may know this but like my recent broken engagement and the heartbreak that followed, the physical stress, the moving, the family drama, the life change etc etc, that everyone around me expected to take for-ever to heal, oh so devastating, so sorry so sad kind of comments came from…. everywhere.
Uhm no thank you.
I have a depth of quantum healing knowledge and self development skills that support me in moving through life in a way that most people haven’t known or discovered quite yet.
One could say it is knowledge and skills that "afford me the luxury of true quantum healing”.
—even though more then luxury this is simply our BIRTHRIGHT. we just get to do the work to claim it in the physical plane. We haven’t been taught these things, we get to work our way through to this knowledge as it is only now becoming available at the edge of Ascension -- and it is SO worth being able to do this work because it is truly miraculous. And it allows you and me to live the kind of life we want to live on this planet.
A happy, healthy, wealthy in love with life TURNED ON kind of Life!
YAS!!! Let’s get to this incredible new course experience!
Let’s get you turned ON in a whole new way of Soul Deep, Body Feels & Energy Circuits light up!
This part starts when you go to sleep at night & you’ll wake up so happy in your bed sheets in the morning… oh yes. I can’t wait for you to experience it!
We have a whole new iN-Bed Subconscious Programming Meditation Routine for this phase 1 of the work so get ready for the magic to surprise you!!
The aligned sexy turned on vibes -
Light it up baby:
The energy flow that has you feeling sexy, energized and magnetic from the moment you wake up in the morning! >> and it fills you up from the depths of your Soul & Higher Self Connection!
Wiring a Sexy & Supportive for life Nervous System:
Training the body/ mind on how to turn it on so you don’t short circuit with the new high frequency & high Voltage energy hitting the planet from planetary currents and solar activity
Waking up feeling sexy:
From the depths of your Soul in your bed sheets, feeling so alive in your body you want to take a bite at life like a delicious fruit you’ve been craving, and riding the day’s energy in your with your crown on, lightworker superpowers high and holding this frequency in alignment through the day
A somatic + soul spark energy connection deep dive, turning on new spiritual multidimensional energetic circuitry inside the body and activating new & ancient coding to recalibrate your nervous system.
Your Human Design Energy Circuits Chart, Your Astrological Birth Chart,
and the slice of cosmic connection coded with Venus — our work begins here!
and I will walk you through all my recent discoveries that have all added up in this cosmic experience of re-integrating all the layers of who we are through multidimensional planes of existences (DNA Evolution)
Think of this one as your subconscious underworld re-model to a fabulous, harmonious, luxurious environment for your
Sexy Soul to live and thrive in!!
An exclusive 30 days belief systems & nervous system up level support mastermind experience live on Telegram!!!
Your birthing your next level of self integrating new principles and you will be supported DAILY by me & the MB Team & all the amazing souls community inside this priceless container where the magic of breakthrough and metamorphosis will unfold beautifully and divinely.
This is the secret of integration & quantum embodiment work to support the new vibe and hold it until it becomes a part of you! Until it replaces the old human family trauma wiring (think ancestral wounds, your heartbreaks and well, being born in a 3D system as an infinite being of light! this really goes back to the whole fall into lower consciousness experience ) that you may or may not be aware is present in your subconscious — yet it comes up to sabotage or hold you back from making the kind of progress you want to make in living your happy, turned on kind of life to the fullest!
Now I know you have been doing the old wounds/ past life clearing and conscious reprogramming work and so I know that you know the power of support in the breakthrough phase of when things “hit you” out of the blue and the mind starts to question and invalidate the work you’ve done!
It is the breakdown/ breakthrough phase of re-wiring.
Is the breakdown necessary?
Absolutely not, but the breakthrough is.
Because this is the part where shit inevitably comes up and its easy to fall into the self invalidating thoughts like “I must not have done it right”, “I knew it wouldn’t work for me”, “maybe I need to go back and do part 1 a million times before I can move on to part 2”… You know all the things your mind is wired to tell you when you begin to expand and your subconsciously get scared and retreats back into the comfort of the stories you have been telling till now.
So let’s shift gears and support YOU in your next level soul expansion my love, where life is Sexy, Turned ON and fun and your magnetism for attracting what you want in the physical begins to blow your mind …. ooooh yeah!!
I’m so excited!
This is one of those things where you’ll look back and say “holy shit I did SO much work but it was SO much fun I didn’t even realize it could be like that flowy and easy to breakthrough to Sexy Turned ON flow!"
Ohhhh baby now you are READYYYY physically, emotionally and mentally to Turn ON!!
Learn to download and immediately utilize the next level coding waiting for you in the Astral planes - YESSSS
this is what we ALWAYS WANT!!
So why don’t we have this ALL THE TIME?
Well, because your physical body, nervous system, belief system and mental wiring aren’t generally “up to date and ready”to download the latest…much less translate the codes and utilize the knowledge in the practical physical world.
... you see what I mean.
So then you find yourself waiting for integration and things to “land”…
You may already know this --
In my experience most times the human body doesn’t have the physical / mental/ emotional capacity to sustain the frequency downloads integration it in the way that the Soul wants to create, process and transduce energy. So then instead of feeling turned on by the downloads and knowledge you feel weighted down and like third eye headaches etc.
This is why we had phase 1 and 2 --
You are now SO READY for seamless integration because you have done the pre-work for phase 3 to feel oh-so-amazing!!
Your next level of high frequency codes are about to blow your mind & change your life!! Let’s go get them unlocked in the astral planes and you are about to tap into how amazing life can feel and get your Sexy Turned ON for Life Frequency in a powerful, lasting & fun way!!
This is the part where we go deep into your Soul Connection (all you Starseeds and Galactic Souls beautiful beings of light) and work with your individual Astrology Star Chart in the Astral planes to turn on the codes held in your etheric DNA that has been dormant for that Sexy & Aligned Soul Vibe that just turns you on from the moment you wake up in the morning.
Ooooh ya. Soul Deep baby. Nothing else will do in the “temporal” world….
You are an infinite being, turning yourself on in the physical plane only lasts for short times and you have keep “refilling” …that gets exhausting always finding ways and reasons for life to be exciting and for you to be motivated to show up in your full truth and alignment AND feel good & sexy in that …. and to muster up the energy for it.
(sometimes maybe you compare yourself to the “online people”that seem to make this look so easy and is that real and they probably don’t feel as good as they look… I know alll those thoughts, and they are about not even matter remotely after we are done here inside this course, you’ll be so high on your own life the online people won’t even matter!)
Turn it on and turn it up baby! Its time to update the old coding that has you feeling like you are short circuiting and feeling tired, disoriented, sometimes depressed or “spaced out” …that just sounds like yikes I’m so over this phase, doesn’t it?!
So let’s get Turned ON instead!
This is the part where we work with your current physical genetic imprinting (DNA + brain wiring) to get turned on by your own Soul spark frequency for that lasting magnetism that gets you everything you want in life!
>> you are coded from birth by the frequency held in your moment & time of incarnation of Planet Earth, and what we know of Astrology today hasn’t even begun to crack the codes that are meant for you to birth at this time on planet Earth!
Let’s do this!
Let’s activate and integrate the pieces together of your Sexy Soul Algorithm of Sacred Codes and Soul Knowledge for that blissful & ecstatic moment of creation of who you came to embody and what you came to birth on this planet at this time.
You are precious, you are magical, you are infinite light.
I see you.
And I am so excited to support you in this next level expansion of who you are in way that is in pure alignment, highest truth, ecstatic excitement, energetically safe and nourishing to every part of who you are.
And let’s not forget FUN!
Because we didn’t come here to settle for a half lived life pretending to be a regular human on this planet.
We are here for the extraordinary, hyper sensory, "excited to be an infinite soul in physical expression at my fullest” kind of life experience that is so fulfilling you could bursts with joy at every pore.
Turned ON and lit up baby! Fiery passion from your Italian born Galactic Guide over here ;) Let’s do this!
I am so ready to support you, to coach you, to cheer you on, to celebrate you and to witness the magic of you and your sexy soul power Turned ON!!
If you have questions about wether this is for you DM me or email me!!!
I have not been this excited about something THIS revolutionary in a long time.
Eeeeeekkk and I get to share it with you!!!
I am so excited I can barely stand it!
I feel like I’m telling you all the deepest secrets of my soul living out loud, turned on and happily fulfilled on this wild planet we call Earth.
Ohhhh baby now you are READYYYY physically, emotionally and mentally to Turn ON!!
Learn to download and immediately utilize the next level coding waiting for you in the Astral planes - YESSSS
this is what we ALWAYS WANT!!
So why don’t we have this ALL THE TIME?
Well, because your physical body, nervous system, belief system and mental wiring aren’t generally “up to date and ready”to download the latest…much less translate the codes and utilize the knowledge in the practical physical world.
... you see what I mean.
So then you find yourself waiting for integration and things to “land”…
You may already know this --
In my experience most times the human body doesn’t have the physical / mental/ emotional capacity to sustain the frequency downloads integration it in the way that the Soul wants to create, process and transduce energy. So then instead of feeling turned on by the downloads and knowledge you feel weighted down and like third eye headaches etc.
This is why we had phase 1 and 2 --
You are now SO READY for seamless integration because you have done the pre-work for phase 3 to feel oh-so-amazing!!
Your next level of high frequency codes are about to blow your mind & change your life!! Let’s go get them unlocked in the astral planes and you are about to tap into how amazing life can feel and get your Sexy Turned ON for Life Frequency in a powerful, lasting & fun way!!
This is the part where we go deep into your Soul Connection (all you Starseeds and Galactic Souls beautiful beings of light) and work with your individual Astrology Star Chart in the Astral planes to turn on the codes held in your etheric DNA that has been dormant for that Sexy & Aligned Soul Vibe that just turns you on from the moment you wake up in the morning.
Ooooh ya. Soul Deep baby. Nothing else will do in the “temporal” world….
You are an infinite being, turning yourself on in the physical plane only lasts for short times and you have keep “refilling” …that gets exhausting always finding ways and reasons for life to be exciting and for you to be motivated to show up in your full truth and alignment AND feel good & sexy in that …. and to muster up the energy for it.
(sometimes maybe you compare yourself to the “online people”that seem to make this look so easy and is that real and they probably don’t feel as good as they look… I know alll those thoughts, and they are about not even matter remotely after we are done here inside this course, you’ll be so high on your own life the online people won’t even matter!)
Turn it on and turn it up baby! Its time to update the old coding that has you feeling like you are short circuiting and feeling tired, disoriented, sometimes depressed or “spaced out” …that just sounds like yikes I’m so over this phase, doesn’t it?!
So let’s get Turned ON instead!
This is the part where we work with your current physical genetic imprinting (DNA + brain wiring) to get turned on by your own Soul spark frequency for that lasting magnetism that gets you everything you want in life!
>> you are coded from birth by the frequency held in your moment & time of incarnation of Planet Earth, and what we know of Astrology today hasn’t even begun to crack the codes that are meant for you to birth at this time on planet Earth!
Let’s do this!
Let’s activate and integrate the pieces together of your Sexy Soul Algorithm of Sacred Codes and Soul Knowledge for that blissful & ecstatic moment of creation of who you came to embody and what you came to birth on this planet at this time.
You are precious, you are magical, you are infinite light.
I see you.
And I am so excited to support you in this next level expansion of who you are in way that is in pure alignment, highest truth, ecstatic excitement, energetically safe and nourishing to every part of who you are.
And let’s not forget FUN!
Because we didn’t come here to settle for a half lived life pretending to be a regular human on this planet.
We are here for the extraordinary, hyper sensory, "excited to be an infinite soul in physical expression at my fullest” kind of life experience that is so fulfilling you could bursts with joy at every pore.
Turned ON and lit up baby! Fiery passion from your Italian born Galactic Guide over here ;) Let’s do this!
I am so ready to support you, to coach you, to cheer you on, to celebrate you and to witness the magic of you and your sexy soul power Turned ON!!
If you have questions about wether this is for you DM me or email me!!!
I have not been this excited about something THIS revolutionary in a long time.
Eeeeeekkk and I get to share it with you!!!
I am so excited I can barely stand it!
I feel like I’m telling you all the deepest secrets of my soul living out loud, turned on and happily fulfilled on this wild planet we call Earth.
BONUS #1- The Magic Morning Wake up 11 minutes in bed change your life Meditation!
BONUS # 2- Goddess of Love & Wealth Venus StarPoint Workshop!
+ lifetime access to all course content and materials ₊˚♡˚⋅
Ok ok I love you! Here are the buttons!!
BONUS # 2- Goddess of Love & Wealth Venus StarPoint Workshop!
+ lifetime access to all course content and materials ₊˚♡˚⋅
Ok ok I love you! Here are the buttons!!
- OR -
for any questions email us at [email protected] anytime! purchase is non-refundable, full terms for all purchases on www.moonbabetribe.com are listed on the bottom of each page