Are You Ready to Take Your Spiritual Awakening to the Next Level?
To learn about & meet your Family of Light at the Council on Sirius?
To learn how to access your Akashic Records and understand what soul contracts you signed up for?
Learn how to actually travel the Astral Planes SAFELY without being worried about soul retrieval later...
And find out what planet you are from - or confirm your instinctive knowing of it :)
If you made it to this page, you are not here on accident. This Course will call you when its your time.
read on and discover if this might just be exactly what your Soul has been searching for.
Watch my Awakening & Ascension Journey below, this is why and what went into this course.
To learn how to access your Akashic Records and understand what soul contracts you signed up for?
Learn how to actually travel the Astral Planes SAFELY without being worried about soul retrieval later...
And find out what planet you are from - or confirm your instinctive knowing of it :)
If you made it to this page, you are not here on accident. This Course will call you when its your time.
read on and discover if this might just be exactly what your Soul has been searching for.
Watch my Awakening & Ascension Journey below, this is why and what went into this course.
Learn how to connect to your higher senses, access the Astral Planes safely & work with the Angels
+ decode the messages that come through for you in the energy "downloads".
This Course will navigate you through the Chakras that exist outside of our body, their purpose, how they affect you in every day life, and how you can use them to recharge your mind, body, and spirit and be in alignment with what you want to manifest in your life.
You will learn how to Astral Travel/ Astral Project SAFELY, connect with Ancestors, Angels and Guides on "the other side" and get answers on questions you have been wondering about for a long time.
In fact, you will meet your entire Family of Light in Module 4!
Ok. Let's start from the beginning....
Learn how to connect to your higher senses, access the Astral Planes safely & work with the Angels
+ decode the messages that come through for you in the energy "downloads".
This Course will navigate you through the Chakras that exist outside of our body, their purpose, how they affect you in every day life, and how you can use them to recharge your mind, body, and spirit and be in alignment with what you want to manifest in your life.
You will learn how to Astral Travel/ Astral Project SAFELY, connect with Ancestors, Angels and Guides on "the other side" and get answers on questions you have been wondering about for a long time.
In fact, you will meet your entire Family of Light in Module 4!
Ok. Let's start from the beginning....
>> You know (or a have a feeling that) you are a Lightworker, and maybe a Starseed. Sometimes you get confused on what this stuff all means, but you know for sure you are different then most people around you, and something inside of you is yearning for more knowledge and understanding.
>> You are on your Spiritual Awakening Path and information is coming at you fast... you keep seeing 111 and other number sequences, and you are starting to notice more divine synchronicities and "coincidences" that you know are not coincidences happening all around you.
>> You keep hearing and being drawn to the conversations about the our Galactic Family of Light, you hear about the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans, the Zetas, the Blue Avians ... and somehow your Soul is drawn to it all, but its also so confusing. It strikes a cord because there's something there, you are just trying to figure out what that is.
>> You wonder how the Angels and the Guides and now the Galactic beings all relate... are they really all different? And then what about God and the Universe? how does it all make sense together?
>> Your inner monologue is something like: and where are these Galactic Light Beings (or Aliens) really and why can't I actually seem them at some point. Oh wait, maybe I don't want to see them. Do I? Can they hear me think right now? Shit. I better just check YouTube. But what if these people channeling aren't getting the right messages? *insert cuss words* I really want to know what's happening with the 5D thing!
>> The Unseen World is fascinating, and deep inside it strikes a cord with you... but you aren't quite sure what to believe.
>> You have Angel Cards (you have a few decks), maybe some new Tarot cards, and you have the Crystals and the Sage and all the things… but your Soul wants more and deep inside you know it.
>> You meditate, you do yoga, you pray… you know its helps you, you don’t always have the time, but you know your Soul craves it and you know you feel good after you do it.
>> Sometimes you find yourself resisting the very spiritual practice you know is good for you… and it doesn’t even make sense because you know its good for you.
>> You know the Chakras are good to have in Alignment, and you are figuring out how to do that– even though sometimes you wonder what having your Chakras in Alignment actually really means... but you go with your intuition on it because its feels right, and you google when needed.
>> You love helping people, you know you have a gift. However, you also know you take too much of their energy on and you are tired of that.
>> You know you have Angels and Guides around you. You have felt them, you see the messages and the Angel Numbers and the divine synchronicities – but you would LOVE to communicate more effectively and actually decode the messages when there is ringing in your ear or you get the chills, etc.
>> You want to open your third eye, you want to experience more… but you are also freaked out by what you may actually see if you open “Pandora’s box”. And what if you do it wrong and you see the “bad stuff”? Can you turn it back off? Is there a way to manage it all?
>> You know that during the planetary shifts and the retrogrades and the eclipses and the cycles of the Moon you get affected, and sometimes you get these massive energy downloads (and headaches and physical symptoms ) but aren’t quite sure what to do with it all.
>> You are figuring out how to process it all and how to make sense of it all + make it work with your daily life. You are drawn from beyond you to keep learning. But its getting overwhelming and you just want to make sure you are heading in the right direction.
>> You feel like your Soul has been trying to get through to you lately, you have crazy dreams, maybe past life flashes, and just straight up situations that you ask yourself “why the hell is this happening... it just doesn’t make sense”
>> You feel a longing for what feels like a place or a feeling that is beyond you, in a place that feels distant yet you know deep inside you can reach it.
>> You never really felt like you "fit in" this world, people around you don't quite get you, and its really hard to show your true self out there... besides to maybe a couple of close friends you really trust and feel so lucky to have. Its like you come from another planet, and your Soul longs to figure out how to feel "at home"
>> And you have that nudging and that voice inside telling you that “its time” and it just kinda freaks you a little bit, and then you wonder about the $ and the time
but you also know that this is your time to step up and its about time you listen to that voice.
>> If you are reading this, saying yes, yes, yes, OMG this is me – even the stuff I’m probably not ready to admit to myself yet…. The good news is you are in the right place today.
>> You are on your Spiritual Awakening Path and information is coming at you fast... you keep seeing 111 and other number sequences, and you are starting to notice more divine synchronicities and "coincidences" that you know are not coincidences happening all around you.
>> You keep hearing and being drawn to the conversations about the our Galactic Family of Light, you hear about the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans, the Zetas, the Blue Avians ... and somehow your Soul is drawn to it all, but its also so confusing. It strikes a cord because there's something there, you are just trying to figure out what that is.
>> You wonder how the Angels and the Guides and now the Galactic beings all relate... are they really all different? And then what about God and the Universe? how does it all make sense together?
>> Your inner monologue is something like: and where are these Galactic Light Beings (or Aliens) really and why can't I actually seem them at some point. Oh wait, maybe I don't want to see them. Do I? Can they hear me think right now? Shit. I better just check YouTube. But what if these people channeling aren't getting the right messages? *insert cuss words* I really want to know what's happening with the 5D thing!
>> The Unseen World is fascinating, and deep inside it strikes a cord with you... but you aren't quite sure what to believe.
>> You have Angel Cards (you have a few decks), maybe some new Tarot cards, and you have the Crystals and the Sage and all the things… but your Soul wants more and deep inside you know it.
>> You meditate, you do yoga, you pray… you know its helps you, you don’t always have the time, but you know your Soul craves it and you know you feel good after you do it.
>> Sometimes you find yourself resisting the very spiritual practice you know is good for you… and it doesn’t even make sense because you know its good for you.
>> You know the Chakras are good to have in Alignment, and you are figuring out how to do that– even though sometimes you wonder what having your Chakras in Alignment actually really means... but you go with your intuition on it because its feels right, and you google when needed.
>> You love helping people, you know you have a gift. However, you also know you take too much of their energy on and you are tired of that.
>> You know you have Angels and Guides around you. You have felt them, you see the messages and the Angel Numbers and the divine synchronicities – but you would LOVE to communicate more effectively and actually decode the messages when there is ringing in your ear or you get the chills, etc.
>> You want to open your third eye, you want to experience more… but you are also freaked out by what you may actually see if you open “Pandora’s box”. And what if you do it wrong and you see the “bad stuff”? Can you turn it back off? Is there a way to manage it all?
>> You know that during the planetary shifts and the retrogrades and the eclipses and the cycles of the Moon you get affected, and sometimes you get these massive energy downloads (and headaches and physical symptoms ) but aren’t quite sure what to do with it all.
>> You are figuring out how to process it all and how to make sense of it all + make it work with your daily life. You are drawn from beyond you to keep learning. But its getting overwhelming and you just want to make sure you are heading in the right direction.
>> You feel like your Soul has been trying to get through to you lately, you have crazy dreams, maybe past life flashes, and just straight up situations that you ask yourself “why the hell is this happening... it just doesn’t make sense”
>> You feel a longing for what feels like a place or a feeling that is beyond you, in a place that feels distant yet you know deep inside you can reach it.
>> You never really felt like you "fit in" this world, people around you don't quite get you, and its really hard to show your true self out there... besides to maybe a couple of close friends you really trust and feel so lucky to have. Its like you come from another planet, and your Soul longs to figure out how to feel "at home"
>> And you have that nudging and that voice inside telling you that “its time” and it just kinda freaks you a little bit, and then you wonder about the $ and the time
but you also know that this is your time to step up and its about time you listen to that voice.
>> If you are reading this, saying yes, yes, yes, OMG this is me – even the stuff I’m probably not ready to admit to myself yet…. The good news is you are in the right place today.
The Details
The Weekly Modules are designed for you to go through at your own pace, they are available in the course portal.
If this is the beginning of your Spiritual Journey and you want to learn these things, but its a bit overwhelming - don't worry, this is step by step.
I got your back.
It is sooo much easier to learn all this having guidance, instead of having an awakening out of a life situation and having to figure it out on your own.
Trust me, I have been there. I have clients that have been there. And I am here to help you now.
If this is the beginning of your Spiritual Journey and you want to learn these things, but its a bit overwhelming - don't worry, this is step by step.
I got your back.
It is sooo much easier to learn all this having guidance, instead of having an awakening out of a life situation and having to figure it out on your own.
Trust me, I have been there. I have clients that have been there. And I am here to help you now.
MODULE 1 - Managing your Energy & Connecting to your Soul Star – Welcome Home.
MODULE 2 - Connecting the Chakra Pillar & Going Beyond
MODULE 3- Divine Downloads, Sacred Codes, Integration and working with Sacred Geometry
MODULE 5 - Crystalline DNA, Diamond Light Chakra Pillar & the New Earth World
Q&A - you'll have access to the prior groups' Q&A Sessions where we talked about Life on Different Planes of Existence, Past Lives, Multi- Dimensional Living, Twin Flames, Clearing Space to Receive Angelic Guidance and more!
So. Much. Incredible. Stuff!!!! If you still have questions please reach out to us at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram! @moonbabesandthelighttribe
MODULE 1 - Managing your Energy & Connecting to your Soul Star – Welcome Home.
- Learning how to manage your aura & magnetic field around you - your manifesting field
- Working safely in the Energy Vortex
- Grounding in & connecting to the frequency of your soul – the Earth Star and Soul Star Chakra
- Meet the Archangel Azrael & Archangel Raziel + tuning into your guides
- Owning your light & power – activate your frequency
- Raise your vibration in a matter of minutes – frequency on the pole
- Releasing limiting beliefs & reprogramming to attract what you want
MODULE 2 - Connecting the Chakra Pillar & Going Beyond
- The 13 Chakras System, from Earth Gateway Chakra to Cosmic Gateway Chakra – travel the depths of your Soul
- The Archangels & the Higher Chakras – help with better health & more energy in our daily life. DNA upgrades
- Connecting to your Higher Self on the higher Planes - the ability to Create your world and calling it in to reality
- How to call in the frequency of Health, Love and Financial Abundance from your Higher Chakras - Manifesting
- Everything is Energy and Frequency - get magnetized for what you desire
- Feelings, Visualization, Affirmations & Manifesting
- How to get help when you are “out there” navigating energy and always feel safe
MODULE 3- Divine Downloads, Sacred Codes, Integration and working with Sacred Geometry
- Navigating the cosmic highway of information – The Akashic Records and the Earth’s Library of Knowledge
- How to know you are receiving a download, light codes, what to do about it, and how to translate it
- How to integrate the downloads based your Element and Astrology
- Navigating the cosmos using Sacred Geometry
- Traveling to the Zero Point field of Creation and the Ultimate Alignment
- Manifesting from the Higher Realms - accessing the Divine Solutions
- The Galactic Origin of your Soul - Planets, Stars, Galaxies and Dimensions
- Connecting to the Pulse of your Soul Star Frequency for "travel"
- Discover your Galactic Soul Origin Star / Planet
- Learn how to heal your inner and outer wounds with your home Light Frequency Pulse
MODULE 5 - Crystalline DNA, Diamond Light Chakra Pillar & the New Earth World
- Re-writing your own Cellular Structure - Embracing the Change taking place inside
- How the Crystalline Chakras Merge and the Activation of the Pillar
- Heart Frequency Coherence - How the DNA upgrades and how you can "Hold" the Activation and Integrate the Frequency
- Thriving in a new time on Earth where reality seems like its falling apart
- Practical Applications of Higher Communication ~ Higher Self Soul Connection through timelines
- Age Reversal
Q&A - you'll have access to the prior groups' Q&A Sessions where we talked about Life on Different Planes of Existence, Past Lives, Multi- Dimensional Living, Twin Flames, Clearing Space to Receive Angelic Guidance and more!
So. Much. Incredible. Stuff!!!! If you still have questions please reach out to us at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram! @moonbabesandthelighttribe
How it Works & What you Get
>> WEEKLY MODULES: The weekly modules are uploaded on the course portal, and you will be able to go at your own pace through the entire course. We will go over the material, meditate together to access the higher consciousness You can always email me any questions that come up during this work!
>> MEDITATION VIDEOS: 5 Meditations included
- One Morning Meditation to tap into your intuition and flow
- Two incredibly powerful Kundalini Meditations for Divine Alignment & Healing + Stress Relief & Self Care and Love
- Two higher access Astral Travel /Higher Realms Meditations to connect to your higher chakras and higher senses and access the Akashic Records + The Earth's Library of Knowledge and the Council.
- if you are new to Meditation don't worry I will explain everything in a way so you can do it at the level at which you are comfortable.
+ 4 BONUS Meditation Videos and any new Bonuses that are added in the future!!
>> PDF GUIDES: You will have access to all the material I go over during the live sessions in a PDF format, all the chakras information and relative function and Angel Guide, Angel Numbers and Astrology Elements Integration Charts + Sacred Geometry.
>> POWER AFFIRMATIONS, MANIFESTING ROUTINE, AND JOURNALING: in addition, I have created a power packed Manifesting Routine showing you step by step how to journal things out in order to unlock the power out of your day! This is the homework for you to truly tap in and make the most out of this journey. Journaling is very powerful and if you are new to it, don't worry, I will cover the how to's and walk you through the words to use.
>> BONUS: Astral Travel Meditation to the Moon's Crystal Caves! Release old scarcity & survival patterns and subconscious programs, and download the “soul software“ for WEALTH, ABUNDANCE & BEAUTY!
We will be working with Metatron’s Cube, Archangel Michael & Metatron, plus the Starbeings (Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and the Andromendans)
I am taking you to the sacred crystal caves on the moon, they are the core of our emotional power.
As always I will be connecting with each of you remotely via the quantum field and making sure you travel safely and come back safely (this is the question I most often get asked, don't worry, just follow the directions and I got you!!)
>> BONUS: Astral Travel Meditation to Venus! Recorded at the time Venus went retrograde, you will be in the energy and the the LOVE juju for a Twin Flames shake up. Experience the energy of biggest LOVE Re-Evaluation of our lives since the 1930's... I will navigate you & guide you to project your consciousness SAFELY to land on Venus and meet the Pleiadian Council on Venus. We will work with them to integrate the new timelines of high frequencies that will be pulsating through our planet during the Venus retrograde cycle (40 days).
In addition to the extra-ordinary experience, you will receive all the benefits of increased energy, new found self love, more happiness and feeling more safety around your heart's desires - amongst many others.
And don't worry - as with everything else, I walk you through every step of the way and connect to your energy to support you along the way in the Quantum Field.
>> BONUS: When you register for this course will also receive my super powerful Karmic Release Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius Meditation Encoded in the Quantum Field - so whenever you do do it, you will receive the FULL BENEFITS of the Karmic Release & New Frequency Energy Integration! (because quantum is "alive" outside of time)
>> BONUS: Lions' Gate Stargate Portal meditation 8-8 DNA Activation - receive a DNA Activation and higher frequency codes downloads though the ancient Pyramid sites in Egypt and working with the Angels & Starbeings from Sirius (the Sirians). This meditation is also Encoded in the Quantum Field so you can do it whenever and will be able to integrate the frequencies and receive the downloads!
>> COSMIC BONUS is the amazing timing!
Because of the timing when the first 3 modules of the course were recorded, we were able to capture Quantum Encoded Meditations that give you access to frequencies, DNA activations and Karmic Releases that are no longer available other then being accessed through the Quantum Field. These happened during the Summer of 2018, the "11" Numerology Manifesting year, where we had a series of 3 Eclipses: Solar - Lunar - Solar + the Lion's Gate Portal Sirius Alignment -- The Planetary Alignment at the time of the Lunar Eclipse was a once in 25,000 year cycle, with transformational power to propel in the New Earth 5D frequencies. And you can plug into that vortex right here.
because they are encoded in the Quantum Field, these Higher Planes meditations are "alive in the right now" outside of time so you receive all the benefits whenever you do them! ❤︎
What does this do for you? Raises your vibration to a whole new set of possibilities- positive feeling manifesting mode and flowing in positive energy flow with the cosmos!!
Yes, yes, yes - it is possible! :)
>> MEDITATION VIDEOS: 5 Meditations included
- One Morning Meditation to tap into your intuition and flow
- Two incredibly powerful Kundalini Meditations for Divine Alignment & Healing + Stress Relief & Self Care and Love
- Two higher access Astral Travel /Higher Realms Meditations to connect to your higher chakras and higher senses and access the Akashic Records + The Earth's Library of Knowledge and the Council.
- if you are new to Meditation don't worry I will explain everything in a way so you can do it at the level at which you are comfortable.
+ 4 BONUS Meditation Videos and any new Bonuses that are added in the future!!
>> PDF GUIDES: You will have access to all the material I go over during the live sessions in a PDF format, all the chakras information and relative function and Angel Guide, Angel Numbers and Astrology Elements Integration Charts + Sacred Geometry.
>> POWER AFFIRMATIONS, MANIFESTING ROUTINE, AND JOURNALING: in addition, I have created a power packed Manifesting Routine showing you step by step how to journal things out in order to unlock the power out of your day! This is the homework for you to truly tap in and make the most out of this journey. Journaling is very powerful and if you are new to it, don't worry, I will cover the how to's and walk you through the words to use.
>> BONUS: Astral Travel Meditation to the Moon's Crystal Caves! Release old scarcity & survival patterns and subconscious programs, and download the “soul software“ for WEALTH, ABUNDANCE & BEAUTY!
We will be working with Metatron’s Cube, Archangel Michael & Metatron, plus the Starbeings (Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians and the Andromendans)
I am taking you to the sacred crystal caves on the moon, they are the core of our emotional power.
As always I will be connecting with each of you remotely via the quantum field and making sure you travel safely and come back safely (this is the question I most often get asked, don't worry, just follow the directions and I got you!!)
>> BONUS: Astral Travel Meditation to Venus! Recorded at the time Venus went retrograde, you will be in the energy and the the LOVE juju for a Twin Flames shake up. Experience the energy of biggest LOVE Re-Evaluation of our lives since the 1930's... I will navigate you & guide you to project your consciousness SAFELY to land on Venus and meet the Pleiadian Council on Venus. We will work with them to integrate the new timelines of high frequencies that will be pulsating through our planet during the Venus retrograde cycle (40 days).
In addition to the extra-ordinary experience, you will receive all the benefits of increased energy, new found self love, more happiness and feeling more safety around your heart's desires - amongst many others.
And don't worry - as with everything else, I walk you through every step of the way and connect to your energy to support you along the way in the Quantum Field.
>> BONUS: When you register for this course will also receive my super powerful Karmic Release Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius Meditation Encoded in the Quantum Field - so whenever you do do it, you will receive the FULL BENEFITS of the Karmic Release & New Frequency Energy Integration! (because quantum is "alive" outside of time)
>> BONUS: Lions' Gate Stargate Portal meditation 8-8 DNA Activation - receive a DNA Activation and higher frequency codes downloads though the ancient Pyramid sites in Egypt and working with the Angels & Starbeings from Sirius (the Sirians). This meditation is also Encoded in the Quantum Field so you can do it whenever and will be able to integrate the frequencies and receive the downloads!
>> COSMIC BONUS is the amazing timing!
Because of the timing when the first 3 modules of the course were recorded, we were able to capture Quantum Encoded Meditations that give you access to frequencies, DNA activations and Karmic Releases that are no longer available other then being accessed through the Quantum Field. These happened during the Summer of 2018, the "11" Numerology Manifesting year, where we had a series of 3 Eclipses: Solar - Lunar - Solar + the Lion's Gate Portal Sirius Alignment -- The Planetary Alignment at the time of the Lunar Eclipse was a once in 25,000 year cycle, with transformational power to propel in the New Earth 5D frequencies. And you can plug into that vortex right here.
because they are encoded in the Quantum Field, these Higher Planes meditations are "alive in the right now" outside of time so you receive all the benefits whenever you do them! ❤︎
What does this do for you? Raises your vibration to a whole new set of possibilities- positive feeling manifesting mode and flowing in positive energy flow with the cosmos!!
Yes, yes, yes - it is possible! :)
>> Did I mention I keep adding bonuses to this course and they are all included in your lifetime access once you are registered!
Ok, so maybe you want to know why we are doing this now...
here is what is happening:
On the Spring Equinox 3/20/2019 we had what Nasa classified as a "star dust" blast to the planet - which spiked to 50 Htz the Shuman Resonance Frequency Scale, (measurement of the Earth's heartbeat), usually at 7.8 Htz... !!
The highest spike in freqency we ever had was a 36Htz in 2017 when a lot of Lightworkers "woke up".
In September 2019 we reached what we now call "whiteout" frequency where the spikes in magnetism would go well beyond 40 & 50 & 60 Hertz consistently.
In November, specifically on 11/2 we reached a 98 Hertz spike on the Shuman Resonance!!!
This was after the 11/1 Energy Gateway opened up the way for the 11/11 Portal energies .
Since that time, we have had more and more.
Everything is energy and our Physical Bodies must literally transmute into crystalline structures to handle these high vibrations in a harmonious way!
(...aka without the Ascension Symptoms)
The Gamma Light Body, Awakening Phase 1 for everyone is coming online now.
The Ascension Symptoms can be intense, from intense headaches to heart palpitations to extreme fatigue, to appetite ups and downs/ weird cravings and blurry eyes and leaky ears... feeling like you have a fever but you don't.
As we activate our Crystalline Structures, we learn to attune or level up,
VIBRATE HIGHER to match the incoming frequencies in order to feel good.
This is 5D, its here and ready for you to claim it and live in it.
We get to hold the frequency ~ This is Awakening Phase 2. (Part of Ascension)
This is what you will learn to do in this course. To activate your "intuitive superpowers" as I call them, and remember the things you once knew and forgot as you incarnated on this planet. You will re-connect to your Soul Star Frequency of Home.
This will a feel A LOT BETTER for any and all Ascension Symptoms with DNA Activation & Integration - because you will be attuned to the incoming frequencies.
you don't want to miss on integrating these Plasma & Gamma Ray Frequencies !
It's going to be a SUPER HIGH FREQUENCY
The Winter Solstice on 12/21 is ushered in the Next 7 Year Mayan Cycle.
This is where everything began to happen even faster, time speeds up.
As the Mayan say " we drop another underworld" so time speeds up 20x faster now.
Crazy to think... but I know inside you feel it.
and we are going to Navigate it together in this course
as we activate your intuitive abilities to navigate the Unseen Realms and this next Chapter of Life on Earth.
(click the button at the bottom of the page now if you are ready to join me! )
Sonia G, your Guide on this Journey
and I am here to guide you on your Sacred Journey.
I am truly super excited to take you on this beautiful unprecedented Digital Cosmic Journey!
I went through my own Awakening 12 years ago and have since been on my own High Vibe Journey-
some things I learned the hard way, some things I studied.
For over 10 years now I have been practicing as a certified Reiki Master, Gestalt Therapist, Life Coach, Breakthrough Healer and most recently Meditation Teacher.
I have studied Theta Healing and other reprogramming techniques, fields from Astrology to Kundalini, and incorporate the teachings of my Angels, Starbeings and Guides Team into all my courses.
I have the ability to access the higher realms and connect to my Coaching Clients’ Angels and Guides in one on one sessions and bring the messages in.
I can read the chakras and know where the blocks are to your energy flow, and how to unlock it -
and I can teach you how to do it.
I know how to help you find + reprogram your limiting beliefs.
I can navigate you through your higher chakras and the higher planes.
I can help you connect and show you how to have all this available to you anytime you want.
Now, let’s back up – when I first started this Awakening journey, I didn’t have any special gifts.
All I had was my Bachelors Degree in Business, a corporate job, and a serious desire to figure out how the hell to see Auras and energy and Astral travel to other planes and understand how it all works.
Now, 11 years later, I know this process so well, after working with clients one on one for so long,
I am ready to bring it to you in a 5 week digital course!
Unlimited Access.
Unlimited Everything.
All the added content for free every time I add to the course.
Because I know you are ready to have the answers and the happiness and the Soul Connection
and all the Angelic Guidance on tap.
Sonia G
I am truly super excited to take you on this beautiful unprecedented Digital Cosmic Journey!
I went through my own Awakening 12 years ago and have since been on my own High Vibe Journey-
some things I learned the hard way, some things I studied.
For over 10 years now I have been practicing as a certified Reiki Master, Gestalt Therapist, Life Coach, Breakthrough Healer and most recently Meditation Teacher.
I have studied Theta Healing and other reprogramming techniques, fields from Astrology to Kundalini, and incorporate the teachings of my Angels, Starbeings and Guides Team into all my courses.
I have the ability to access the higher realms and connect to my Coaching Clients’ Angels and Guides in one on one sessions and bring the messages in.
I can read the chakras and know where the blocks are to your energy flow, and how to unlock it -
and I can teach you how to do it.
I know how to help you find + reprogram your limiting beliefs.
I can navigate you through your higher chakras and the higher planes.
I can help you connect and show you how to have all this available to you anytime you want.
Now, let’s back up – when I first started this Awakening journey, I didn’t have any special gifts.
All I had was my Bachelors Degree in Business, a corporate job, and a serious desire to figure out how the hell to see Auras and energy and Astral travel to other planes and understand how it all works.
Now, 11 years later, I know this process so well, after working with clients one on one for so long,
I am ready to bring it to you in a 5 week digital course!
Unlimited Access.
Unlimited Everything.
All the added content for free every time I add to the course.
Because I know you are ready to have the answers and the happiness and the Soul Connection
and all the Angelic Guidance on tap.
Sonia G

The Sacred Chakras Journey course is by far one of the best things I have ever invested in. As a Certified Reiki Master, Sonia has taken my connection with our spiritual realm to the next level! I have learned how to connect and communicate with my Angels, Spirit Guides and my Higher Self; helping me to retap my intuition and discover my true path and highest potential.
Not only are you gaining knowledge through the course, but you are gaining access to a community of like-minded people that welcome and support you. This is not one of those things that you purchase and download and are left to do everything on your own, Sonia and everyone else that has joined are there to offer you guidance and insight and applaud you on your journey. I have made wonderful friends that I know I will have for a lifetime!
Sonia, there really are no words to describe how grateful I am to have you in my life!
~ Keri Alys ~
Not only are you gaining knowledge through the course, but you are gaining access to a community of like-minded people that welcome and support you. This is not one of those things that you purchase and download and are left to do everything on your own, Sonia and everyone else that has joined are there to offer you guidance and insight and applaud you on your journey. I have made wonderful friends that I know I will have for a lifetime!
Sonia, there really are no words to describe how grateful I am to have you in my life!
~ Keri Alys ~

This is one of the best and most tangible, grounded metaphysical course I have ever taken! After over 25 years of study and learning from various teachers and experiencing different spiritual/metaphysical/meditation courses and materials, Sonia has created an extremely comprehensive and cohesive course that I have seen. Her warm loving and gracious energy comes right through the videos and live streams. She also connects to each one of us individually through the Facebook group where I felt her care love n support that takes the soul tribe family to the next level! If u have a call to this course then don’t hesitate to join this community all are welcome it’s a must do for anyone on the ascension path and journey!
~ Angela Buono ~
NYC Emmy Winning Make Up Artist
~ Angela Buono ~
NYC Emmy Winning Make Up Artist

This has been the most invaluable spiritual healing and progressive asset I’ve ever experienced. The adjectives are quite endless...
Amazing, astonishing, unbelievable, fascinating, surprising, incredible, wonderful, healing, restorative, invigorating, medicinal, curative, enlightening, illuminating, enriching, etc, etc, etc....
She has taught me so much and equipped me with the skills and tools to do the work on my own in between my time with her. Do something for yourself and do this. It’s life changing. Thank you Sonia for all that you do and all that you continue to do.
~ Kim Christopherson ~
Luxe Events Inc.💜😇
Amazing, astonishing, unbelievable, fascinating, surprising, incredible, wonderful, healing, restorative, invigorating, medicinal, curative, enlightening, illuminating, enriching, etc, etc, etc....
She has taught me so much and equipped me with the skills and tools to do the work on my own in between my time with her. Do something for yourself and do this. It’s life changing. Thank you Sonia for all that you do and all that you continue to do.
~ Kim Christopherson ~
Luxe Events Inc.💜😇
to recap, if you are reading down here, once you register you will get:
Welcome Call + Meditation + instant access to ALL the Modules + ALL Bonuses & future updates!
Take your Intuitive and Sacred Creative Abilities to the Next Level in this online journey with me!
You can do this course at your own pace. There are 5 Weekly Modules + a Live Q&A Session
and a Private FB Support Group!
Learn how to connect to your higher senses, access the Astral Planes safely & work with the Angels
+ decode the messages that come through for you in the energy "downloads".
This Course will navigate you through the Chakras that exist outside of our body, their purpose, how they affect you in every day life, and how you can use them to recharge your mind, body, and spirit and be in alignment with what you want to manifest in your life.
You will learn about the Angels that are the Gatekeepers of your Higher Chakras and how to work with them .
In this edition, it gets even better!
I am taking you to meet your Galactic Family of Light, and access Cellular Level Healing + Soul Light Embodiment
(the words may seem complicated but the energy of it all is easy, and I walk you through it all)
I know you will love it, and I can't wait!
Ok here are the options again to register!
Welcome Call + Meditation + instant access to ALL the Modules + ALL Bonuses & future updates!
Take your Intuitive and Sacred Creative Abilities to the Next Level in this online journey with me!
You can do this course at your own pace. There are 5 Weekly Modules + a Live Q&A Session
and a Private FB Support Group!
Learn how to connect to your higher senses, access the Astral Planes safely & work with the Angels
+ decode the messages that come through for you in the energy "downloads".
This Course will navigate you through the Chakras that exist outside of our body, their purpose, how they affect you in every day life, and how you can use them to recharge your mind, body, and spirit and be in alignment with what you want to manifest in your life.
You will learn about the Angels that are the Gatekeepers of your Higher Chakras and how to work with them .
In this edition, it gets even better!
I am taking you to meet your Galactic Family of Light, and access Cellular Level Healing + Soul Light Embodiment
(the words may seem complicated but the energy of it all is easy, and I walk you through it all)
I know you will love it, and I can't wait!
Ok here are the options again to register!