recommended for this energy: ELEVATE THE GLOBE: Get the Manifested Bundle! Details HERE! 🤩 the new way to work with me 1 on 1 is finally here: introducing INTERSTELLAR! |
recommended for this energy: ELEVATE THE GLOBE: Get the Manifested Bundle! Details HERE! 🤩 the new way to work with me 1 on 1 is finally here: introducing INTERSTELLAR! |
Moon Babe...
Get Your Happy OnHello Beautiful!
My name is Sonia G and I am so happy you are here! Welcome!! You probably didn't find me by accident -- let's face it ;) I am here to guide you on your Sacred Journey of Remembrance & Divine Embodiment on this Planet and take you on the wildest most amazing ride of Soul Remembering and Activations that will have you feeling alive in every cell of your body and happy to wake up in the morning living the life of dreams-- crown on. I am a live by the moon, love in the sun, travel the world AND the stars, dances while she cooks, speaks metaphysics and wears luxury kind of girl. My house is filled with crystals, palo santo, galactic art and the designer things. I astral travel, download knowledge, upgrade my DNA and continuously uplevel my reality. I am the creator of the experience of my life. I don't fit in anyone's conventional spectrum of reality ... as I'm sure you don't either if you are here feeling the vibes with me! I mean... who wants to be boring. Not me, not you -- we are here for bigger things in this ascension! Like superpowers on kind of things while we still get to enjoy the physical amazingness of this world. It's not one or the other -- we really can have it all! --and I am living proof that my work... works!! Try it out!! you may have the best most amazing life changing astral experience or activation or just listen to me as your high vibing bff or or or want to work with me 1 on 1 and fully completely transform your life in your dream life! -- no matter what, watch how your life starts to transform as you start hanging out with me inside the work! I make this powerful, soul deep sacred work as fun as possible -- while being SO very careful and precise in holding the frequency in highest alignment. I am a double virgo and a projector in human design -- if you are familiar... that already tells you a lot about the level of precision and higher frequency codes I work with ! Also, as you read here, notice how you feel. You are tuned into my energy field ! Welcome to how amazing life can be. Ok now that you know a bit more about me -- if you want to know my certifications and background and things, you can read more about my journey here. The short story is I started out as a broke college student that became a corporate america burn out and had my massive awakening (and many dark dark nights) ...I discovered Self Development and Metaphysical / Spiritual work in 2007, studied and practiced for 10 years (while still in that corporate world) then I started taking clients in 2017, teaching online in 2019, became a millionaire in 2021 (WTF right?!) started a podcast called Find Heaven Within (its everywhere!) and in 2022 I launched my own app The MoonBabes APP (omg we are global!! download anywhere), I created and sell my own oracle cards called Goddess Secrets that I launched at a Hollywood Red Carpet honoring Mother's Day event (is this even real right?! - yes they are sold on Amazon now and soon shipping worldwide! ) aaaand I have over 25 Digital Courses & Workshops you can currently access anytime to learn all the amazing powerful magical real life quantum magic things, and I also work with clients 1 on 1 !!! I LOVE my job. This is my soul's job. My mission, my purpose. I am constantly inspired by how powerful the work of divine embodiment is. Ok so now that you know about me... do you resonate?? Do you feel like you may want to learn from me or work with me?? Because YAY I would so love to teach, guide, and support you. I teach all the things to support you through from the beginning of your spiritual journey to living life with your spiritual superpowers fully embodied AND enjoying the wealth creation in the higher planes of conscious life on planet Earth. Yes. You can have all of it. I believe in you! And I know you can because I have helped clients around the world achieve extraordinary results for years now!! As you click though the courses banners, feeeeel into them. There is a frequency to each one and you will know and feel intuitively where to start and what calls you. It doesn't matter If Its an advanced course and you are just finding me -- if that course calls you, trust me, there is a big reason. This is how my work works. And I love every moment of it!! If you have questions email me & the moonbabes team anytime at [email protected] Oh and I send all sorts of cool stuff in the newsletters and emails-- I don't spam, I hardly write honestly, but when I do.. you'll definitely want to open it!! fill out your info below! Xo ~Sonia G |
Moon Babes TribeMoon Babes is about connecting to one’s Soul and Divinity through Meditation, honoring the Moon Cycles and using
beautiful high vibrational living practices. We are about having fun and rediscovering the joy of living, through letting go, re-setting and re-energizing ourselves. To stop and look at the Moon, and just breathe. To remember we have a divine purpose here on Earth, and there is something greater that connects us all. We learn how to balance the energy within and around us, and how to love ourselves in the dark moments as well as the brilliant ones. We celebrate ourselves and our accomplishments! We learn how to tune in and connect with our Soul, and embody the Divine Goddesses that we are. We learn to connect to our happiness and find our Heaven Within. We align and tune in to our Higher Power, our hearts, and our truth. We know we are not alone, and we have beautiful support in our Tribe. |
The Moon and our Subconscious
The Moon affects us, it sooooo very much affects us. Have you ever wondered why people's "crazy" seems to always come out right around the full moon? |
Divine Timing
Coincidences, Lucky Stars... or Divine Timing? As more of us are finding ourselves on a Spiritual Journey path, our perception is shifting in a big way about the unfolding of our daily events. |
Fall in Love with Yourself
What if there was a way to get rid of your anxiety, depression, sadness and doubts all in one shot.... would you do it? It will require you falling in love with yourself. Let me walk you through this... |
Moon Babe Tribe
Let's Connect! |