Break the Curse ~ Self Worth & Confidence Breakthrough
OMG Newly Added Break The Curse on Confidence & Self Worth!! Take your power back and breakthrough the fears of showing up, going big, being visible, speaking up & embodying your power! Its time to show up in fullness and beauty :)
*this is exclusively available as an add on to the Break the Curse ~Deep Dive Experience! not to be purchased without the Deep Dive, because I want to make sure you have the foundation and first level of breakthroughs before going deeper into the specific breakthrough experiences and I love you!!
Here are the other Additional Breakthrough Experience Add On's:
✨ Break the Curse ~ Biz, Career + Soul Purpose
Or your can get access to ALL of them now (the ENTIRE course and any future additions) HERE!! 🤩
The complete course is like a wild amount of savings! This will be a 3k-4k course once it is all recorded and this is the new level of what we are now capable of doing so I highly recommend it!
>> Heads up on a little secret:
After the course completion I will offer a certification on this process for those of you who that feel called and want to do this for your clients/people!! This course will become a requirement of that certification!
How amazing is that!?
I'm so excited to be able to help more & more people on this!
Definitely get it now!
XO & Infinite Love ~ Sonia G
as always email us at [email protected] for any questions!