the new identity programming rebirth & divine self development journey
{formerly known as The Secret Offer!}
the complete energetic makeover & timeline rebirth of the identity you were always destined to embody and re-birth through on this planet.
This is the evolution of identity work.
And -- we are utilizing time in your sleep to do the work!! (omg yes! keep reading!)
Efficient, Focused, FUN and highly transformational ~
Are you ready to meet the version of you that you've always dreamed of becoming??
we start with a LiVE Bonus on September 13th
COURSE BEGiNS on SEPTEMBER 17th on the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces !!
Register now to get instant access to bonuses to get in the vibe before the course begins! And yes, you'll have lifetime course access so if you already know... scroll down and jump in!
the complete energetic makeover & timeline rebirth of the identity you were always destined to embody and re-birth through on this planet.
This is the evolution of identity work.
And -- we are utilizing time in your sleep to do the work!! (omg yes! keep reading!)
Efficient, Focused, FUN and highly transformational ~
Are you ready to meet the version of you that you've always dreamed of becoming??
we start with a LiVE Bonus on September 13th
COURSE BEGiNS on SEPTEMBER 17th on the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces !!
Register now to get instant access to bonuses to get in the vibe before the course begins! And yes, you'll have lifetime course access so if you already know... scroll down and jump in!
no matter the crazy wild things happening around you.... if you have been thriving and growing and doing amazing in this world ... you know that identity rebirth work is THE key not only to survival, but to evolution and to success.
It is ...everything.
The way you identify, who you identify with, and your embodiment of that identity broadcasts a holographic morphogenetic field all around you (your biofield, your auric field) that moves the intelligence of reality around you and creates your daily experience of life.
When we want to change our lives, we change our identity, which is based on our personality, which is based on all the integrated layers of who we are as a whole being -- we are beings of infinite light, on this planet reconciling the stories in our bloodlines and in our galactic history inside of this physical human body
and in this moment of Ascension in the upwards spiral of consciousness as we shed the old skin and the old structures of reality is .... imploding and collapsing on itself, which feels like ginormous weight on any lightworker's shoulders (both figuratively / energetically and physically) and the thing is pretending like its not there or doing the same thing you've always done in your routines to get back in alignment is just not working ... I know.
we all know -- but no one is talking about it yet because no one wants to be the person saying it without having a new way, a new solution to breakthrough the new threshold...
So everyone is talking about "trusting the process"... but is that just really a way of saying we got nothing else so this better work .... lol. I know I know. It had to be said.
Well, I found the new way.
It took work (it always does) and courage (also always) but... it works!!
And now I am ready to teach you the new ways, energetic solutions and breakthrough systems!
A whole new way of doing life on planet Earth in synch with your own unique higher biorhythms
a 9 Module Digital Journey Experience with Videos, Course Manual and Workbook Downloads , Daily Short Meditations, New 3 minute Morning & Sleep Routines for Success, Audios to press play on to support you in the successful reprogramming & incredible Bonuses for you to have all the support through the metamorphosis & integration of your new identity!
The experience is based on various therapies & techniques from Gestalt Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Human Design, Gene Codes, parts of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Light Protocols & Astral Travel Work (this is what I am known for) , Kundalini Breathwork Practices, Shamanic Reiki principles, Success Coaching & so much more that comes from 25+ years of career experience in both healing work and corporate america (if you can believe it it is all adding up to now!!)
It Is THE BEST of ALL the Work I've ever learned & practiced!
9 Modules
( of which 2 are astral travel modules )
taking you from your current identity through the metamorphic experience your soul is yearning for...
designing, aligning and re-calibrating the coding in your DNA
for a regenerative and exciting high frequency rebirth of who you were destined to be on this planet.
Collapsing time and re-defining the self concept is only the beginning.
DNA, Heart & Mind & Lifetime Incarnation Design weaving together to activate a whole new Identity
of ancient, future and how moment self
as you not only remember, but alchemize into present all that you were meant to be,
embodied in your current human to light body form
at the threshold of what is possible breaking all the constructs of currently reality
and setting up a nourishing nervous system supportive, light body sexy, framework on the higher reality bandwiths
your highest level expression of Identity
it feels big now, it will become who you are. flawless. effortless.
IDNA & MINDSET frequency settings to a new elevated divine frequency
Course Manual
( pdf download )
Brand New Biohacking Daily Practices
easier & faster then ever, more efficient than ever! Amazingness!
All the cutting edge spiritual to practical life knowledge that will support you in your next level transformation from A to Z in one extraordinary experience -- in a whole new way!
SLEEP & DREAMTIME practices that tap into to your DNA codons
and make use of your "activated at night only" channels of higher connection while you sleep -- no one is talking about this and when I discovered it... its blowing my mind!
Its called.... DREAM RAVE STATE!
this is the state in which your DNA codes up at night, and this is the reason why so may people have a hard time falling asleep, sleeping well, waking up rested.
Ready to sleep better AND do the work while you sleep??
Wake up feeling radiant and alive and so happy to meet the day?
I mean... imagine utilizing your dream time to do the work -- no more time constraints.
This solves the "I don't have enough time in a day we all feel dilemma" and possibly also a lot of your relationship misunderstandings!! Wild hu.
We struck gold discovering this work. I am so excited for you to feel SO INCREDIBLY NOURISHED HAPPY AND SUPPORTED IN THE High Frequency Lifestyle!
You are going to feel brand new!!
This is the beginning of something new, and it starts here!!
I'm so excited!
XO ~ Sonia G
no matter the crazy wild things happening around you.... if you have been thriving and growing and doing amazing in this world ... you know that identity rebirth work is THE key not only to survival, but to evolution and to success.
It is ...everything.
The way you identify, who you identify with, and your embodiment of that identity broadcasts a holographic morphogenetic field all around you (your biofield, your auric field) that moves the intelligence of reality around you and creates your daily experience of life.
When we want to change our lives, we change our identity, which is based on our personality, which is based on all the integrated layers of who we are as a whole being -- we are beings of infinite light, on this planet reconciling the stories in our bloodlines and in our galactic history inside of this physical human body
and in this moment of Ascension in the upwards spiral of consciousness as we shed the old skin and the old structures of reality is .... imploding and collapsing on itself, which feels like ginormous weight on any lightworker's shoulders (both figuratively / energetically and physically) and the thing is pretending like its not there or doing the same thing you've always done in your routines to get back in alignment is just not working ... I know.
we all know -- but no one is talking about it yet because no one wants to be the person saying it without having a new way, a new solution to breakthrough the new threshold...
So everyone is talking about "trusting the process"... but is that just really a way of saying we got nothing else so this better work .... lol. I know I know. It had to be said.
Well, I found the new way.
It took work (it always does) and courage (also always) but... it works!!
And now I am ready to teach you the new ways, energetic solutions and breakthrough systems!
A whole new way of doing life on planet Earth in synch with your own unique higher biorhythms
a 9 Module Digital Journey Experience with Videos, Course Manual and Workbook Downloads , Daily Short Meditations, New 3 minute Morning & Sleep Routines for Success, Audios to press play on to support you in the successful reprogramming & incredible Bonuses for you to have all the support through the metamorphosis & integration of your new identity!
The experience is based on various therapies & techniques from Gestalt Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Human Design, Gene Codes, parts of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, Light Protocols & Astral Travel Work (this is what I am known for) , Kundalini Breathwork Practices, Shamanic Reiki principles, Success Coaching & so much more that comes from 25+ years of career experience in both healing work and corporate america (if you can believe it it is all adding up to now!!)
It Is THE BEST of ALL the Work I've ever learned & practiced!
9 Modules
( of which 2 are astral travel modules )
taking you from your current identity through the metamorphic experience your soul is yearning for...
designing, aligning and re-calibrating the coding in your DNA
for a regenerative and exciting high frequency rebirth of who you were destined to be on this planet.
Collapsing time and re-defining the self concept is only the beginning.
DNA, Heart & Mind & Lifetime Incarnation Design weaving together to activate a whole new Identity
of ancient, future and how moment self
as you not only remember, but alchemize into present all that you were meant to be,
embodied in your current human to light body form
at the threshold of what is possible breaking all the constructs of currently reality
and setting up a nourishing nervous system supportive, light body sexy, framework on the higher reality bandwiths
your highest level expression of Identity
it feels big now, it will become who you are. flawless. effortless.
IDNA & MINDSET frequency settings to a new elevated divine frequency
Course Manual
( pdf download )
Brand New Biohacking Daily Practices
easier & faster then ever, more efficient than ever! Amazingness!
All the cutting edge spiritual to practical life knowledge that will support you in your next level transformation from A to Z in one extraordinary experience -- in a whole new way!
SLEEP & DREAMTIME practices that tap into to your DNA codons
and make use of your "activated at night only" channels of higher connection while you sleep -- no one is talking about this and when I discovered it... its blowing my mind!
Its called.... DREAM RAVE STATE!
this is the state in which your DNA codes up at night, and this is the reason why so may people have a hard time falling asleep, sleeping well, waking up rested.
Ready to sleep better AND do the work while you sleep??
Wake up feeling radiant and alive and so happy to meet the day?
I mean... imagine utilizing your dream time to do the work -- no more time constraints.
This solves the "I don't have enough time in a day we all feel dilemma" and possibly also a lot of your relationship misunderstandings!! Wild hu.
We struck gold discovering this work. I am so excited for you to feel SO INCREDIBLY NOURISHED HAPPY AND SUPPORTED IN THE High Frequency Lifestyle!
You are going to feel brand new!!
This is the beginning of something new, and it starts here!!
I'm so excited!
XO ~ Sonia G
The moment you are stagnant, we get "comfortable' in our zone, is the moment we loose the magic
and while we know It takes courge
FEEL THAT. We are a powerful threshold moment in time ~ will you be one of the pioneers of the new constructs of reality? Do you hold the keys of higher consciousness that have been waiting dormant inside of you to be activated & utilized into a re-imagined human life experience?
Your higher consciousness identity design & integration is waiting for you at this threshold… will you be one of the first to usher this new frequency on planet earth?
I am honored to lead you inside this incredible never been taught before 9 module complete rebirth experience
Time to redefine higher consciousness into being and walk the higher path of your soul’s desires where your dreams meet your highest alignment: your destiny, your purpose in the higher planes of life existence.
Learn to harness the extraordinary power inside of your DNA, inside your pineal gland and your heart brain harmonic coherence evolving in the layers of your higher identity consciousness.
Become master of your time on Earth. The journey begins here.
T&Cs at the bottom of every website page & as always email us at [email protected] for any questions!